Livero I
- Reduces fatty liver disease
- It has the property to reduce the destruction of liver cells from various toxins
- Takes care of the health of the liver tissue and maintains the balance of liver function
- Flower Pollen Extract (G63) 100 mg.
- Royal Jelly Dry Powder 75 mg.
- Korean Ginseng Root Extracts 40 mg.
- Pollitin
Thai FDA Registration Number: 10-1-10651-5-0002
Suggested use
Take Livero I 1 – 2 capsules per day, 10 -15 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach, followed by a glass of normal temperature water.
Read the warning label before consuming. It has no effect in preventing or treating disease. Children and pregnant women should not eat. Should eat a variety of foods from the 5 food groups in the right proportions on a regular basis.
Dietary supplement, not medicine But it is a nutrient extracted from pollen. which contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body And the body can absorb these nutrients for use in repairing the worn parts. and restore various organs immediately According to research by Graminex USA, more than 90% of nutrients can be absorbed by the body, ensuring that eaters can fully benefit from the nutrients.
Therefore, when the body receives the nutrients that fully meet the needs of the body. Will cause the body to repair and restore various organs to be strong. to fight various diseases effectively
Regular intake of Pollitin supplements thus helping to take better care of your health. when the patient is treated and taken with modern medicine
Patients can take Pollitin dietary supplements. along with modern medicine as prescribed by the doctor as usual If unsure, consult a doctor before eating.